Mar 21, 2023Liked by Low Status Opinions

Spot on! As you've said before (to paraphrase) the State is just huge now; it taxes more, borrows more, prints more (money) and spends more. But everything is worse. Shrink the State!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Low Status Opinions

"it is ‘top scientists’ guessing how bad COVID is going to be and getting it wrong by a factor of ten every. single. time."

I think you misspelled "one hundred" there...

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Low Status Opinions

The easiest way to kill the BBC is to cancel your TV license and watch alternative news on YouTube. If the programmes are rubbish go get Netflix. There is no need for government involvement. People should act for themselves, nobody forces you to watch MSM.

As for governments, stop being tribal and vote somewhere else. Just because we have first past the post doesn't mean you are banned from voting with your principles! Voting the same way but expecting something different...Einstein's definition of mad. If enough people go somewhere else there would soon be political shift. I suspect by the election of 2028 when people who go to Labour find out they're dross too it will be fun and games. Start the process of change, reject the status quo and go with principle or forever shut up moaning.

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